[Entertainment, Kids] Dye a towel with foreign plants!


date 2021年5月16日 10:00 AM-12:30pm

Dye a towel with the leaves and stems of tall goldenrods


Dye a towel with a foreign plant

Dye a towel with the leaves and stems of tall goldenrods

[Date and time]

May 16 (Sun) 2021, 10:00am - 12:30pm


Kuwabukuro Biotope Park


Elementary school students and above (second grade and below require parental participation)


20 people (by lot)


300 yen (material cost)

[How to apply]

You can apply directly at the counter in Ayasegawa Seiryukan building in Kuwabukuro Biotope Park, or please fax or send a double postal card with the address, name (furigana), age (grade), telephone, fax number of all applicants and writing (event name) hope to participate clearly to Kuwabukuro Biotope Park. You cannot apply by phone.

[Application deadline]

Must arrive by Friday, April 30, 2021






