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Adachi Citizen Festival A-Festa 2017

The Adidas Festival A-Festa 2017 was a great successEnd.Thank you very much for your visit.The special page of the Aichi Prefecture Festival Aichi Festival in FY2003 is scheduled to be released around September, Heisei 30.


親子で遊べる体験ゾーンや、お気に入りの食べ物・お土産がきっと見つかる屋台や物産展、 スタンプラリーなど、A-Festa限定のお楽しみが今年も荒川河川敷に大集合! ステージでは、人気スタイリストを迎えた「ファッションショー&コンテスト」も開催します。 子どもから大人まで誰でも楽しめる、あだちの魅力がギッシリの2日間です!

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Four Experience Zones "Walk and play hunting strolls!"

チャンバラ合戦や、パラリンピック競技「ボッチャ」をアスリートと一緒に体験できるエキサイティングなゾーン、抹茶を優雅に満喫できる「野点」、子どもに大人気のミニSLなど、多種多彩なアクティビティが目白押し。 会場内では、スタンプラリー「チャップンの大冒険」も開催。全10ヶ所のスタンプを集めて、賞品が当たる抽選に参加しよう!

Saturday, Sunday, 7th (Sat) 11:30 am - 4: 8 pm Sunday from 10 am - 3 pm

会場内に10か所あるチャップンファミリーのテントを探し、「あそび」にチャレンジして スタンプを集めよう!
全てのスタンプを集めたら、本部テント横のチャップン王国へ。 完歩賞のほか、抽選で賞品が当たります。

7日(土)午前11時30分〜午後4時 8日(日)午前10時〜午後3時

Look for the tent of the Chapon family in 10 places in the hall, challenge "play" and collect stamps! After collecting all the stamps, head to the Chapon Kingdom next to the headquarters tent. In addition to the completion award, prizes are hit by lottery.

Link 1
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A total of about 20 pairs, let's see the performance of Adachi at the stage!

Performance and dance by amateur organizations playing an active part in the city will make A-Festa excitement. On the 7 th (Saturday), a fashion show & contest "Tokyo Suburban Style in Adachi" that has a popular stylist · Kozo Oyamada san is held as well!
Link 2
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Senju's town is also a festival mood!

Adachi Super School Festival

In the shopping street from the station area to the venue, we will hold a collaboration event "Aichi Super School Festival" between the students and the city of Senju. At the office "Senju Sta. Station" and Hotel Coco · Grand Bei Kitensui, we collected "1 yen coin balls" and made "1 yen ball art" to make one picture. Please join us! Besides that, held an event for two days only. Please enjoy the streets of Senju on the way back and returning to A - Festa!

●協力商店街 千住本町商店街/北千住サンロード商店街(北千住宿場町商店街)/ 北千住駅西口美観商店街(きたろーど1010) 《順不同》


Adachi Circle Fair

At Adachi-ku Lifelong Learning Center (Learning Peer 21), we will conduct stage presentations, exhibitions, sales etc. by organizations working at the learning center!